Monday, April 25, 2011

Week 13, Thing 21 - Wordie and Thing 22 - LibraryThing

Wordie was quite interesting in that there are many ways to display words in an eye catching form.  Great for posters.  FUN!

LibraryThing is a good way to keep a list of books and share thoughts that other people have about them.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Week 11, Thing 17 - Social Bookmarking and Thing 18 - Widgets

Diigo is great for posting articles you want to share with others. 

What could become a problem is all of the tags that different people would use for their information - so it could be difficult.


Things you can add for convenience as reminders.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 12, Thing 19 - Online Mapping and Thing 20 - GIS

This is a neat way to find directions to a place that you are unfamiliar with.  The technology is interesting and it is better than trying to read a map.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Week 10, Thing 16 - Twitter

Twitter is good to use as a tool for keeping up in things you are interested in.  It can be close to your fingertips.  I never knew so many people used twitter.  Even Martha Stewart!  I think this could be useful in the workplace.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 9, Thing 14, Photosharing

This is my picture for this week.  I don't know if we would use this feature in my work place.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Week 7, Things 11 @ 12 - Wikis and Wikipedia

WOW!  I think Wikis tool can be used in the library for several people to share their ideas on a particular document.  We may use it.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Not a Round Tube - it's YouTube

YouTube could be used for humour, fun, as well as seeing the latest news happening. Maybe that is why it is so popular to watch. It was quite an experience to use YouTube and Podcasting. My co-worker was always their for me.